Does anyone here play Fun Run?
I'm no expert but I think college coaches are more likely to take risks than NFL coaches so that can also make for better games.
I would feel like an idiot using that thing in public.
What if this is going more for the console market rather than the handheld market? Why else would it have an HDMI port? If I owned this device I...
This looks very cool, but I think the future of mobile gaming is in smartphones. Why would someone want to carry around 2 devices when they can...
Well he doesn't post in the PPC that often.
You're already halfway there.
but more fun to try
It would be difficult to get one of those boobs in one hand.
Being a hipster is about being ironic.
those would throw her off balance
It's not you
I feel like I do.
The fact that I have to answer that question worries me greatly.
What are your eyelids like QKT And if anyone is offended by this, just know that I am the second most offensive person here.