What's the difference? One has a bunch of dicks, and the other is a porn site.
There's always Forgehub.
One of them died though
420 Blaze it froggit
This is America, we say chips.
Also Hitler's birthday
If only God had been able to prevent that explosion.
pics or get the **** out
Do they make poptarts without frosting or do you have to scrape it off?
I was expecting more explosions.
I'm glad you weren't polluting the environment on your trip, grif.
Why wasn't Halo 3: ODST just called Halo: ODST?
Solving a murder is hard. Breaking up a college party is easy.
Do they though?
http://youtu.be/qob0P5juTWI?t=40s Just listen to what Jack says around 0:43
Someday I will be as cool as you.