The way were doing TGIF Re-caps is changing, sorry :C But, your future TGIF parties could be re-cap'd in some form!
"This message has been deleted by Jex Yoyo. Reason: porn" hahahaha
*someone* deleted it.
"I can make it greener" ahahahaha
Show us how to rap BT.
Broken image?
They filled your spot with Chucks legs. They're about the same as far as conversation and general usefulness.
I'm going to go with the person that has both alienated everyone around him, and contributed nothing but swamp-water to the PPC.
How the mightiest of bromances have fallen.
Lol, sometime soon-ish. Mostly I was just going to add you on Skype. Or, you can add me. David.Houston.W
Cool. The TGIF sign up thread will be posted this Friday, and TGIF will take place next friday. If you want to send me your party details I'll...
Oh we're jumping to insults based on personal appearance first thing? I didn't think you would want to steer the conversation there.
Hola, Skype?
From what I hear you would not be the person to be able to do that, lol.
It's gonna happen.
One of our requirements for promoting members is that they don't ask us to be on staff =/
You guys are mean.
You want to run TGIF customs? I was under the impression that TGIF wasn't working as well as we would hope, especially without the file sharing...
Watch something you've never seen before. Got netflix? Try Brick.