oshiet taco taco quiero paco
In all seriousness, you just mad cuz I'm right. Gtfo my wall.
Mace : *Valid Argument* RST: *Sees valid argument, can't rebut, uses "URR STUUPID"
Hahaha woooow. Backtracking now are we? Stupid ****, if you're going to be a "mod" of the gna, then you better actually do it, not just when you...
Ohhh no! Where is ur big stick now mastuh? Ohtehnoes!
Actually, you started this by ridiculing my post. By editing it, rather than just posting your own. Now stop bothering me. Please.
What I mean like that is you don't have to threaten me with infractions, like I said, I'm just trolling and you have no other means for infracting...
ohh big guy with a stick im soo scareddd
yo from turkay
king of nbu
Gaahd so many newbs in dur ppc todai
hey gyise
you are or are you?
The 100+ tomohawk missles the US fired each cost 5K a pop. Expensive broo. And gadafi is evil carlos santana. NATO Ftw.