I just watched avatar on 1.5x speed. **** was highlarious
Get the **** out.
Nga sa'nok
im a pretyy coolaid gui
God, found the perfect TDM class. Homewreckerx20000
YouTube - SKRILLEX - Kill EVERYBODY Edited by merge: YouTube - SKRILLEX - Rock N' Roll (Will Take You To The Mountain)
Mail it to urk. In fact, make a few more with different characters and mail them to the bungie studios. WOULD BE CASH.
old vid is old.
Meh. I reccomend making those splatters cmasks, and on the topaz, put antipostaa'hsfakl'shfwhateveritis to 100%, along with sharpness to 100%,...
So you made an already skin blue, and used someone else's logo?