FAIL IRONY Who do you think helped get him this far? Instead of your shitty cnc of putting people down all the time, I actually give a balanced...
I don't want to give you 100 reasons why I don't play modern warfare 2 anymore, along with xbox in general..
Um Weird?
Thats why all them quick scope people piss me off! Hard scope ***... Whatev, another reason I stopped playing..
Explain the Irony
And you really...really....suck at giving cnc. I really like this tag wall, it shows a lot of improvement from you.
at what?
Looks good, I like the shading in the hair. Where is her nose though?
[IMG] Vectored 3+ hours of work [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Colab with +gh.Obby [IMG]
I really like the flow and simplicity of the effects. There is some dead space, but not too much to where it seems like a problem. I can see...
Predictable argument....sad... I really like it KB, it is touch to find the history of all loyals and decide who and who should not be included,...
The colab is probably the best, I do like 4 and 5 as well.
Very LQ as KB said. Lighting is a bit strong, nice effects.
Pictures aren't working, you have to upload them through an image hosting site. Sign up to and upload your images after you saved...
You know that your signature is too big right? welcome to fh
I can't believe people still actually play call of duty still. Its boring and releasing new maps isn't going to make me want to play it anymore....
i know eh?
Its all skil man :P
Thanks Miraj <3