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Don't be surpised if you get a bunch of arrogant remarks from the teenagers who live off of Halo3. You have to accept the fact that teenagers are...
Not this.
Miraj FTW
No Depth No Blending No Defined Focal Colors are horrible Read some tuts. All it looks like you did was screw the colors up and add the rain...
Not much depth and blending, and focal could be defined better. The effects you used are okay, but are messy in some areas. The text placement is...
Weird Flow, bad colors, and the black and white theme + color squiggles don't look well together. Lighting is good, effects are messy. Text...
Yea.....Text thanks for the headsup ^_^
Damnit really?
Is Runescape even "around" anymore? Like it is just as active as it used to be?
How do you know that?
Yes, you got it.
Funny snipe, but it doesn't even look like the guy even made an attempt at getting out of the way when he clearly took a glance at it and ignored...
Overall, really, I think this is very well done. Colors are beautiful and the lighting is very well done. My only small concern is the transparent...
^^ Knows what he is talking about There is a lot of dead space and washed out colors making this piece look very boring. The effects and flow...
The text is too big and takes away from the focal along with being badly placed. Colors need improvement. Effects are decent. Lacks the overall...
Not funny at all.... Saving Private Ryan? >_<
She just got hit by the shovel >_< The did a good job at making them look like the original characters :O
Your looking to get depth? Use the burn and dodge tool for that. Make some parts darker then others so they look father away. They look good.