If you don't care what people think, then why are you posting this?
Well, every thing looks repeated, and the background is blue.
Lighting is good, but you still need to work on atmosphere and depth. The scan lines, don't look good.
Work on getting the textures blended better. Other words, lower the opacity. They don't look like they fit very well.
What did you use to make this?
I like everything but the black colored font. Good job with depth. There isn't really lighting?
The colors aren't really working for me. Work on depth and lighting. :P
Mhmm. I know. I replaced it
Its just like every other new game. We are all going to play it and enjoy it. "Great graphics" "New Features" Couple years we will all look back...
It just to follow post count really. Nothing special. Unless you want cool new guns for ranking.
If I do decide to get it, I would probably end up t baggin Andrew (xsharpshooter94) cuz I know he hates it.
Haha, tis true. Probably a month before that I was congratulating you on loyal :P
I just had a random thought. It might sound ridiculous. But, why does Bungie not make a game type where they use the freaking whole map and have...
Mini Games are usually fun to play with a bunch of people from memories. I remember looking for jumping maps.
Gotta say, I like the new rank :P
You have over 1000 posts and your just now making an intro thread ;) Welcome to forgehub! Read the Rules
Here is the tutorial http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/101994-wa-my-own-signature-tutorial.html#post1218906 Enjoy :)
[IMG] <3 Wonder Arts & ImagenSkins
Great advice. This is actually something to look back it when its time for me to go to college. I'm still in high school. But seriously ????
Not really. I don't use any textures or anything.