But honestly, your the only person that would have ever locked that. >.> It wasn't even as bad as the worst spam that is ever posted here, I...
Then please make a forum for me to have a chat about a celebrity getting Halo: Reach first. Or are you going to deny me from that right? GTFO
And now where are we? In the same spot. That did absolute ****. I never intended to troll/spam. I wanted to see what other people thought on the...
... 2 seconds later..
Hey Dumbass, if you believe it was something worthy of a lock then why didn't you infract me? I didn't break any rules, you could have moved the...
I wasn't spamming? It was a legit thread in the Reach Chat because it was, in fact, about Reach. Learn to be a good mod.
Wrong. In the US you cannot purchase a game if you aren't at the age requirement of the ESRB. You can pre-order it, but you cannot pick it up...
No its Reach it was confirmed by Bungie. Seen Below:
Like I said earlier. I have NO problem with him playing it early, or going to the party, even the guys at bungie say it wasn't fair that he went....
No but considering it most likely wasn't sold to him its legal (I think).
[IMG] ...Let this be the best photo-shop ever... (If this is a day old just forgive me, the search bar here didn't show anything)
This is a POS nobody play on it. (ti evol i kj)
So i heard you are white theorem now.
[IMG] ^Normal 1920x1080 [IMG] ^Monitor + Samsung 32" (Both 1920x1080)
<3 <3 <3
It was implied at Bungie.net in the Reach forum section and only 1 person took it badly. I hope your that one person here.
They are Multi Use Codes. Even Click the link in the spoiler. I never said they were reach beta codes.
Dude this is ment as a present for people that didn't get a code already. Not one person on Bungie.net said this to me yesterday when that thread...
9XBX9-9RCD9-9BCK9-9PRTY-9RCKZ PHT9P-KXR4Y-BB6BY-VFMPD-THT4T VFH6P-9FJKK-KKP9G-H4DRH-WTCFM Knock Yourself Out. Or just download it from...
... When i try to be srs, you take it as a joke.