You cannot set the gametype to all vehicles being mongooses, because if you do your Rocket Hog will be a mongoose. ;) Human Only is the setting...
Its very similar to this map (it was never posted on Forgehub). The only real difference is you gave them vehicles instead of just cover to work...
Someone said on that destroying a vehicle counts for 2 kills in the Carnage section. I have no proof though, its just what someone said.
Players do 0% damage for like 10 seconds after respawning. I added that to stop people from accidentally clicking the wrong button and blowing up...
You block where the 3rd person camera wants to go. The roof of the base area is low enough that the camera has to be pushed down into the vehicle...
There really isn't enough objects/money to do that and it wastes time before people will get to the rocket hogs. I never liked the idea of custom...
Well whenever you have time you can invite me, the only problem is my IRL friends I play with aren't big Custom Games people. :P
:) Thanks. I definitely see improvement overall with how this forum is ran since I posted my map. Everytime I see you online your playing with...
Just thought I would point it out if others didn't see the last post in the Original Thread. I have updated the map with more mongooses, and made...
<3 You never gave me you thoughts about the map nor did you ever post on any of the threads. I'll take your word for it though. Thanks for the...
YouTube - Halo Reach Forges - "Stealin' Your Flags" So the map got featured on Machinima, and I have updated the newest version with the extra...
If that works, I will seriously give you a hug through the computer. I knew I couldn't set it to mongoose only so I never checked that section,...
I've been looking around, and there really isn't much that can fix it. I am out of Building Blocks completely, and all usable objects I have left...
It is possible to set it so that the flags would have waypoints when being carried. Due to base player traits being the only trait editors,...
The only place I could put shield doors is on the inside of the hog area: [IMG] The green would be where I could place shield doors that would...
Like said earlier, one sided stockpile is pretty simple. You only make one stockpile collection point and give it to one team. Then set it to 4...
Where you guys playing the updated version of the map? If you got on top of the hogs and walked ontop of the barrier before falling, you would've...
You declaring yours is the best doesn't mean it is. Its a remake. If I wanted to play foundry I would go to Halo 3. The best remake of foundry...
Bumping shouldn't be an issue. If someone is bumping their own map, obviously they cannot double post to bump it again. That would cause the...