Nice job reading my previous post Hari.
It takes place in Africa. Just like every other time when Halo games are on Earth. On a small note, you should listen to languages a little more....
You do realise that there are several cases where the 'hacker' just called Microsoft and said they lost their password. Microsoft just gives 'em...
Why? At that stage in technology, I'd be surprised if water held any strategic value. The only Battleships would be in space. And they launch...
The exact same thing as 'white' power. PErsonally, they don't interest me except the fist one. Good Job with it.
Moralaity is just random lines drawn at some place. I'm sure every single animal in the world has some form of morality. It may be different to...
Why? It's another way to live.
How old do you think people started having sex back in ye old days. I can tell you that 15 would have been a little above average back then. And...
1) You'll see no argument from me here. They did not think the leveling through. They really, really should have thought that one twice. 2) The...
1) Then they should sacrifice about a third of the useless places they have set up. Even with the liberal amounts of copy-paste, the dungeons...
Skull Name: Seeing Double Skull Description: How many fingers am I holding up? Skull Image: 2 skulls phasing through each other. Skull Effects:...
Not always the case but this is more or less why. At that age, your parents take care of most of your responsibilities. You can't do the same...
I belive carrier forms were combat forms that lost their combat abilities and where then assigned to reproduction. So, Flood life is...
5.9 isn't all that much space. And as an RPG, it's not all that good. As as a lot of missions can up pretty ****ed. The first Dark Brotherhood...
YouTube - Music - Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle Without Honor Or Humanity YouTube - clubbed to death - Matrix soundtrack YouTube - Requiem for a dream...
Spoiler Alerts in this post. Story - Tales of Symphonia. (PS2, Gamecube) This games story is epic. At the very start, and for the first quarter...
That realistic is nothing. Operation Flaspoint only allows you bleed out 6 pints of blood whole Campaign. That's not even enough to describe how...
I really doubt it, mostly because it's not Korea. And most games do not have a very good watching appeal as you don't see amazing feets of...
No, I get what your point was. You just used a very bad analogy. If I followed your analogy, a rapper would listen to other genres of music. Why...
I never said they were of the same subject. Doesn't change that both don't have anything to do with what I was saying. I said people don't like...