Are those helmets being thrown into the hair above the flag pole?
Isn't that, at it's basic, what debating is? Deconstructing your opponents opinion, or attacking it, and showing how ones pinion is better then...
People Obama beat: Who did Obama beat to win his Nobel Prize? by Benjamin · 6 comments Sima Samar, women’s rights activist in Afghanistan:...
Well, at least it's not like the peace prize is all that important. I see it more as political pressure. I wonder what would happen if Obama has...
Check what forum it's in. Wait.. That kills them?
On V2, put Remember back in capitols. Capitols nearly always look better and small letters just don't look right here. 1440X900. The second...
You should definetly fade out the oval frame. And you should make the text fit together a bit more. the T in those should start at the same...
He includes Chopper, Prowelers aren't in ODST. And I assume that this is more firefight based rather then campaign based so the lack of Banshees...
Small thing noticed with engineers, the overshield boost isn't all that great, or at least proportional to the enemy. Plasma Pistol will take...
Continued on from the animal debate thing that got locked... So, if you don't remember what you said, you know where to find it. Felt like...
I believe the debates section is for debating. Wether that debate is philosophical is unimportant. I'll just say that unless we are causing the...
Nothing unusual. I don't think like this myself but I know a few people like this. I think it's tied to wether you're an...
Land the helicopter with the intent of getting it back up. You need a junction for that. Even then, you have the risk of random cars flipping it...
That's a stupid myth that needs to be gotten rid of. Seriously think about what an Airplane would add to GTA 4. Where are you going to land a...
There be minor spoilers, I'll try my best to not to outright say what is going on but no gaurentees. It's good. Better then Halo 3 and 2,...
Pretty poor arguments you have there. 1) These assisted suicides are done when the patient asks for them. Chances are, these patients would do...
We never said that boats would never be used. And considering what we've seen in the Halo universe, that would be a fair assesment. Pelicans...
Jesus ****. Are every single one of you retarded? Bungie doesn't know every single way to get an account. Having the credit card details doesn't...
Wasn't talking about that. Just because I mentioned, in some way, several countries in one post doesn't mean I threw them together. I put them in...
killing should never be the first thought on your mind to rectify a situation. But as with all things, there are exceptions. Even with the...