This is basicly what I find it to be. It's like there are two different christmases. The first being the christian holiday and the second...
If the dog dies, don't lock it up and don't put it to the back of your mind. If your sad, it's because someone important to you is gone. That's...
That's not as effective. Would 911 be as effective if their were no people?
Isn't the title of the thread, 'No Russian' Out of Line?' ? And over the top, out of line. Same thing, different wording. Hence, I said...
Aren't soldiers just trying to get on with their lives? Aren't they just trying to make a living doing something that they can do? A soldier also...
You trying to be funny or something? Anyway, my opinion is that I didn't find anything disturbing with the scene, especially when killing has...
All I have is the scar on the knuckle of my index finger of my right hand. I have no idea how I got it. I just looked down one day and found that...
I kinda' wish they did more with perk unlocking. Instead of going straight to pro, maybe they made it have 3 different pros you could unlock? Like...
And what better way would that be? BTW, good to know that we agree that **** Zombies should never be done again nor spoken of.
Sorry to let you down and all but Duke Nukem Forever got cancelled.
I'd go around life with 1,000,000€ Buy whatever catches my fancy as I pass by but I doubt I'd do anything else then let it sit there.
It's a tactical nuke because it affects a smaller radius...
When someone close to me is gone. I am sad. When someone close to me dies, I don't care about society. I care about me. I am sad because I lost...
It isn't opinion. The USA is the only Superpower. The USSR, the British Empire and USA have been the only superpowers so far. Not debatable. What...
Those countries are close but aren't superpowers. Only the USA at the current moment. China is getting there. Russia still has some of it's...
As the people have done already, they've checked the sources. The sources were incredibly biased, very vague or squed. Find a different list of...
Nice statistics but where's the sources source? A quick glance shows me that the guy tells people to send this to other people to whatever. He...
Last I checked, only the USA could influence other nations. Britain, France, Russia and China can't. To a small degree they can but not fully.
Last I checked, there is only 1 Superpower in the world. Maybe you meant any military power? Anyway, awesome trailer. They are really...
Zeitgeist was right. The New World Order is among us! Huzzah!