[spoiler] 'Bout the same amount of people in CoD4. Romirez never died. [spoiler]
And the later are probably those that don't even know how to shoot them down in the first place. Hilariously enough, I've only been playing...
Uh... Yeah. They do shoot it down. Annoyingly often in fact. My UAVs never stay in the sky for any longer then 10 seconds. I saw a few of my...
First of all: Nukes experiance is determined by the amount f people alive at the time of dropping. Second: Using the nuke is about the...
A lot luckier then me. First game I join I hear that it's over. I'm thinking,'what's going on? Game's still going.' But then, I see the countdown...
What's so good about google wave? I've had it for two months and lost interest in a night. What is supposed to do?
Very true but Lone Wolf did add some cool things. OT: Unfortuanetly, you showed the wrong mechs. Meet Mad Cat. [IMG] Mad Cat will ****...
Just about every match of CoD4 SnD, every match I played had party chat teams. Every match. It wasn't a case of some people doing it either. At...
Pretty much this. Since you guys are all trying to be social with your friends as one of you said, you are being anti-social. Pretty ironic if...
That's the one. You're asked to go to a house and go to the Panic room. When you get there, the place is torn up and some guys with tatoos are...
Which is what I meant. He wasn't in US or British hands by the end of the game. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine him being turned...
TF141 knew absolutly everything. Price and Soap obviously found something that made it obvious as to what Sheperd was doing. Ghost and Roach...
You know what I think, I think all these Modern Warfare 2 threads are getting ridiculous. That and why would you play Search and Destroy by...
That too but then it just isn't the same. Y'know.
What Whisper said. What did you do that got enough people to DDoS you?
This. I believe that's already linked? This quote also shows some pretty damning evidence. That shows that people who hire these guys...
So, a hacker has decided that he need to see the E-Mails of some people, as hackers do. The hacker's target? Climate Researchers, otherwise known...
Something interesting to read if you want to know the stats of some things. Pretty interesting all around.
CoD: WaW was a badly designed single player experiance. The less said, the better. MW2 has more memorisation, luck and skill rather then WaWs...
You do realise it's supposed to be abnormally hard, right? Single player isn't always about being boringly easy.