It would if you have the right amount of attachments, if any. I'm assuming worst possible case of a class. After getting two attachments, just put...
I think that the worst class would have to be this. An SMG. Not quite sure on which. I say this because other weapons are way more versatile....
More so if your only killstreak is the nuke.
What about the Pistol/Shotgun/Machine Pistol. Not to mention that not everyone uses Frags/Semtex/Claymore. Unless you're using a Launcher, Danger...
Key words being 'whoring explosives.' Just go for Danger Close when you have two weapons using explosives.
Very true. You don't even need Danger Close. Just Scavenger will be fine.
Just use the ACR. By adding a Grenade launcher, it becomes better then the Thumper. Add a Shotgun, it becomes a shotgun on par with...
Can't stand the Vocalist. Can't listen to anything other then Hero of War. Even if I don't like the message. Now can someone explain to me why if...
It's a gate way to the future. The future people have appeared!
Things I hate about Modern Warfare 2, or the things that make me rage when you are going for a nuke. 1. Whenever you cross a slightly open...
At the same time, we have to consider if it's worth being one of 3 killstreaks. At the moment, it really isn't worth it. As it is higher then an...
Not a bad idea. Same place as AC-130/Apache or a little lower? Has anybody else found the ACR to be a little too good? That thing doesn't seem...
Because it is badass. No other reason. And it doesn't seem like a terrorist act if you're running around the place and jumping like crazy. You...
God no. EMP needs to do more but that? No. Don't bother. The Deagle has been nerfed to hell. It's not the beuty it used to be.
And we care as to what you play... Why? Seriously, what does that post have anything to do with MW2 other then the first sentence?
Akimbo 1887's are ridiculous. I've seen people not even really aiming for me and killing me. Not to mention the range they have. Probably more...
I don't have One Man Army but even then I don't know if getting rid of my USP is worth having OMA. Forget all the other perks, the second weapon...
Fair enough. Moving on, has anybody found the shotgun attachment any good? Besides campaign. So far, it hasn't worked very well online and I've...
Read what I said again. If you count Ghost, from MW2. You have to count Gaz, Price and Griggs, from CoD4. I don't count those that appear...
If you count him then CoD4 had more people that died on your team. After all, we all know what happened at the end of CoD4. I don't count those...