Why? That seems like a huge waste of time considering how hard some challenges are to do.
It would be unfair if it was totally random when you prestige, or if you were never told, or anything like that. However, Prestige is completely...
So, let me get this straight. I listed off every perk and you only go for the reasons to not use one of them? I wasn't so much talking about...
So what about those that use Hardline, Stopping Power, Lightweight and Danger Close? Do they just have to suffer through and change to Cold Blooded.
Like Hari, I don't celebrate. Instead I get asked what I need for the following year. I got a brand new 25' HDTV. An iPod Touch. Getting all the...
I believe you have to Prestige before you can get it. It's one of the Prestige challenges. The Last Stand prestige challenge.
I never got an update... You guys sure there was one? Moving on, since I just got a brand new HDTV, I find it weird how much it's improved my...
Holographic sites are just basicly a bunch of mirrors. What it is reflecting is just lighting. So anywhere where a light could look into the gun...
Photoshop isn't for the small person who wants to make sigs, small pictures or anything for independant use. I, realistically, don't need...
CS3... I need to update.
Exactly what I'm referring to.
Committing, what is percieved as, a victimless crime does not a dishonest person make. People who pirate aren't gong to go steal cars and purses...
Even then, people can still see you if you have Cold-Blooded on. It doesn't make you invisible to the operatable killstreaks. Just harder to see....
Anybody who thinks it is right is just deluding themselves. No excuse for doing it.
Call of Duty=/=fast paced shooter. I could show you fast paced shooters but that'll take time. CoD is only kinda' fast. In my experience, they...
Simple, take as many risks as possible until you get a small killstreak going, somewhere around 5. Then, play like the most cautious motherfucker...
I'm assuming that the 'lol' refers to the fact that you put this in the wrong section. Correct? Otherwise, not funny. Try again.
Even then, still way more specific then the other perks. Steady Aim. Any gun, free aim. Using Sniper scopes/Thermal, Steady Aim Pro. Commando....
Sitrep is the second worst perk in the game. Way too specific and when nobody really uses all that many Claymores, TIs or C4, you have a pretty...
Knifing classes would like to have a word with you. Marathon. N00b Tubing classes would like to have a word with you also. Scavenger. Anyone who...