Did this honestly need it's own thread? A little common sense and using the Snipers yourself would have found you everything you want to know....
So why'd you work on it if it was that bad? Andyou need to focus your sigs a bit. It lookd very messy to me, though that could just be me.
It was the most influential gaming system. The best comparison I can come up with is with Halo. It did nothing new. It did nothing amazingly. It...
In Campaign, everybody is a 3 shot kill, roughly. Even you. They miss more often then they hit. You are imagining that they are all hitting you....
Wrong section. You might want to post this in the picture thread in Off-Topic.
The AC-130 uses Flares when leaving the battlefield. It just keeps using them until you can't see it anymore.
Funnily enough, they do work. It's just that the missle curves back into the thing. That's Pave Lows main flaw.
It is way too ridiculous. Hence why I love going against a team with players under level 30. No Stingers. But when everyone is above that, I...
Prestige and 100 Last Stand kills. Moving on, if you want to know anything about the weapons in MW2. Go here.
All Iron sights suck. Everysingle one of them gets rid of the area around the target which annoys me way too much. I just play third person until...
What's with the lol? Nothing funny there... Next, the resemblance seems more coincidental then anything.
They only forgot to make the snow show up black. Minor thing and besides, if the enemy is using Cold Blooded they show up easily.
can somebody explain to me this playstyle thing. 'Cause I don't understand this. If I were to play with one playstyle, I'd be a terrible player,...
I'm going to start a list. On this list will be things that I want myself to do by the end of my life. Pretty big new years resolution for me.
Like the guy said aboce, you can all accept that there is technology that can find heartbeats, and only heartbeats, but someone dual weilding a...
The part he's talking about is literally right after the training mission from what I've heard.
I'm sure just adding them plus specific attachments will fit any play style. ACR + any of it's attachments turn it into what you want....
Except for the ACR and 1887. Those fit everyone and even add new limbs you never knew were possible.
Nothing carries over. You have to start from scratch with all kills. Nevermind. Misunderstood things.
That's the oddest ting ever. The Prestige challenges all go up in odd increments. Stealth goes up to 1000 and Last Stand only goes up to 100. Weird.