. wat? What kind of warning?
Mining Bros. Go, go, go!!! My Minecraft website is now officially open and online, with the Main server expected to be online within the next...
I've created the site and currently me and Penguinish are working to set it up... ie, Forums, and other various features. Once we finish working...
Miningbros.com/net? Either one is available and both sound pretty awesome. ;D
After tinkering around with Google translator I think I might've found a subtle name for the website I'm going to create for my Minecraft server....
Annoying to type so, no... Taken, sadly... :/ Come on, any other good domain names we could use for a website?!
So... Who wants to help me come up with a name I can use for this website I want to create?!... Come on, you know it's going to be fun!...
lol I always make sure the place I'm looking at looks legit before I start snooping around with their packages of plans available. :/ But really,...
Anyone here have any experiences with VPS/dedicated servers? If you do, I have a few questions to ask about Minecraft and VPS/dedicated servers....
There is no whitelist anymore... But are you sure you don't have the wrong IP or maybe you're not copy/pasting it wrong? Sometimes, when...
... Pics or it didn't happen... And if this thread is not spam in some way, shape or form, I don't know what he did wrong then...
My server is finally back online but still with the same host at Allgamer.net... I'm still undecided whether or not to switch hosts but if I do, I...
I'm switching hosts to what is a better deal and will hopefully have better response time and up time then what I've been having.
No, you don't need a certain rank to talk... Sometimes, my users are just to busy to take notice of what is being said to them or maybe they're...
*Sigh* Still waiting for my host to fix the server though. :/
Not an official one but it seems my SMP server seems the most popular right now with the FH members here.
The server should be up 24/7 since I'm no longer hosting it from my home computer. Right now, the server is down since I'm trying to get it...
I could donate a couple thousand gold honestly since I have so much from my first play though that I transferred over... So basically right from...
Kingdom of Haven ;D I would be glad to have you in my community. I've already recruited a nice list of FH members so far and having a few more...
A little late to reply now since I already bought/rented the server and so far it's been great. My users love the little to no lag. It's a little...