I know it's really laggy... :/ Part of the lag can be blamed on a host finding a huge memory leak in the server and the other part can be blamed...
It's going to be harder to find an online Multiplayer server now because just about every server that relies on hMod is almost completely broken....
If this is in my server then the lag in-game can be blamed on my server host data-centers having problems with the servers. I don't know much but...
*Sigh* .:[Mining Bros]:. Go away pig! Join my website and I promise you'll be whitelisted by ends day.
My house is cool and all but, one day I want you to make me a house... Just like that... Think of it like my summer home when I'm not working on...
Yes, now I finally found a working Chest Protect with the most recent version of Hey0's Mod. So hopefully it will do it's job in the server well.
Once upon a time my Admins could use cuboid for such things but then accidents with cuboid made me decide to remove it completely for only me to...
If you know of Teamspeak or Ventrilo, it's like that. Just think of it like another VoIP service.
Tis true... 1. First tab I open and check is my website for new people/content. 2. Second tab is my MyMcAdmin web panel to check the status of...
That is my dream for my server to grow to. Right now I still have a small server but it can still host 10 people on at a time. Although a large...
I added you so you should be able to join.
Sorry for the delay but I seem to be having a few problems with the server/site but you should be added to the whitelist now. I hope you enjoy it...
.:[Mining Bros]:. sssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssSSSssss *Fix'd
Activated your account...
Whoops... A big fail on my part... We have a new server IP at: and so if your a whitelisted user on the forums then feel free to join.
Oh, I know... I'm in the server right now and I've had the server running since yesterday night fully upgraded. ;D
Mining Bros I have a server and this is probably going to be the closest thing we can get to an official server. Just one problem is when new...
Who are we talking about here? lol...