I think it is: Napalm Strike---air strike Mortar Team--- like the 5 kill streak from cod waw Valkyrie Rockets---??? BlackBird--- stealth bomber...
dont tell every one your ideas
it will probably be fix within a day or two
ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i made a boat then tried to place it into my box, but right clicking on the box made me place the boat on...
I believe it has to be within 4 squares of water
[IMG] lol stupid zombies
yes they will there is no age minimum I bought one yesterday any way back on topic. Today i created a new world and i spawned in front of a cave...
its 13 dollars go and buy a prepaid credit card
thanks I will go try today
I have been searching for prepaid credit cards for this for about a month with no luck
by you?
it is more friendly modding is creating things (maybe not on the XBOX but on PC it is a good thing) Alienswarm is a mod that was created in ut3...
seeing as how we are in the halo reach section I am going to take a wild guess that it is halo reach lol :)
yes they are different but modding is not bad and is supposed to be Accessed or else why is it that when I open source sdk that there is a big...
YouTube - super sync an editing test please cnc, thanks
nope toronto fan expo, I played firefight on two maps and the game is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the beta
I found the school work not too hard but the social part was weird for me because my elementary school had less than 100 people total
moding is creating something productive like maps in tf2 or a full game that is a mod is alien swarm hacking is general douchbagerey such as...
just to clear something up that is annoying me modding = good hacking = bad mods are good things like TFC, cod4 zombies, and CSS maps --- Only...
ya I apparently have one