they are undetailed polygons that are being used as scenery and are not very taxing on the engine, they are similar to the sky box. Also I am not...
because the xbox can barley run what we have now. It is not a matter of bungie restricting you it is the 360's crappy hardware restricting you.
you do know bungie will ban you for this
Just thought that I would offer my help
If any one needs a video of what the maps look like I can make one for them.
okay thanks out of curiosity how did you make it?
what is the original size because for me it says it is 900x563
A bucket of lava is best because you get around 100 smelts
congrats on the first reach feature, and being featured on the bungie weekly update. hopping to download tomorrow when I get reach :)
Canadian as well and I personally get better connection to Europe than to Ameica
you need to embed your pictures 1. Save the picture onto your computer by right clicking it and pressing save as... 2. Go to: ImageShack® -...
or you know.. you could actually play the game...
[IMG] [img] you might want to put that in the OP so people who never played TF2 know what you are talking about
most "extraordinary" maps are probably still in testing
will you be adding the big laser or are you out of money? sorry but i cant help test now, will you still be testing by the weekend
It is the same world just from an earlier point in time and different location.
the servers for the alpha version were up a little while ago after a couple of days of them being down for upgrades. Notch has not returned the...
I hope that all of you realize that this was mostly made up of cut scenes(similar to the killzone trailer)
Notch is replacing some servers and it will hopefully be back up tomorow EDIT: the servers are back up now, but classic is down at the moment.
i need that map right now! it was amazing!