I suggest going here you can get a lot of good advice there Gaming Hardware | Video Game Online Forums & Community | Game Platform Discussions for...
he was the last one the army knew about
read the rules http://www.forgehub.com/forum/misc.php?do=cfrules you need to add pictures for this map to be up to standards or else your map...
do not use integrated graphics they suck what price are you will to go? I might be able to help. EDIT: What CPU are you getting? I don't think...
student but during summers I do construction
try adding pictures so people get a better idea of what you are talking about
Maybe ask bl00df1r3 (Forge Hub - View Profile: Bl00D F1R3) he has a HD cap card
games: Assault cube AssaultCube Warsow A Fast Paced First Person Shooter Game*–*Warsow EDIT: command and conquer...
I did read you post and i saw that you put a lot of effort into it. The only problem is that water is not an object with physical properties it is...
yes infection is way to often and not all that fun, because of armor abilities.
water is an animation not an object
ya aside from the whole $30 thing If its mot free I am not buying.
Then lets hope for some free DLC
but unlimited new maps inside of forge world
maybe they could have a constant weak camo and jet pack
you have to add [/img] for the picture to show up
Your link to the download is broken can you please fix it.
what map is the forklift forgeable on?
ORLY I have only used forge a little because i got the game yesterday
too bad no forklifts in forge:(