I guess I'm in the minority. I would be cool with just having access to every weapon and vehicle that has been introduced in previous Halo FPS...
I just wanted to say thank you to whom ever the genius was that thought to include image hosting on Forgehub. It's been a real pleasure...
Does everyone that owns Reach have a classic slayer gametype? You know, basic Halo 3 Slayer settings. No Loadouts, including any abilities other...
Also worth noting, you can use the same link and method for File Share uploaded gametypes, screenshots and I would assume videos.
I just want to say this just in case 343 is listening. No more lame ass File Share server limit. If this ends up working the way it is being...
Preacher001 submitted a new map: There's no F in way - Fast and ferocious 1v1 in a clostrophobic hanger bay. Set 120% movement - I dare you....
Action shots provided via AtlasIsShruggin, playing There's no F in way, his own way. Alright you 1v1 freaks I present to you, There's no F in...
Can we still use the coliseum wall as a massive fly swatter on a troublesome co-forger?
Preacher001 submitted a new map: Q-bert Slam - Q-Bert + Whack a Mole + Halo = Q-Bert Slam. 2-5 players **requires Q-Bert Slam game type** Not...
**This map requires the Qbert Slam Game type** I find the easiest way to describe this map is to try to imagine if Q-bert, Whack a Mole, and Halo...
Preacher001 submitted a new map: Divided - Half the map, double the fun. Whatever you do, don't cross the line. Classic slayer 3-8 Player One of...
One of three Bungie map hacks. (Breakpoint, Tempest and Spire) Due to Bungies love for large maps in Reach, and my hatred for them, these maps...
Preacher001 submitted a new map: Argon Flux - Erratic plasma activity confines you to the heart of the Great Spire where you must kill to...
This was my very first Forgehub post, back in good ol 2011 One of three Bungie map hacks. (Breakpoint, Tempest and Spire) Due to Bungies love...
That's a hell of a breakdown. I just thought it looked cool.
@NOKYARD . I think they geeked out too hard. Any screenshot captured in game should be able to be set as a map screenshot. The Worst thing...
Preacher001 submitted a new map: Widows Pass - Cut off, you fight to the bitter end on a small mountain pass. Fast and deadly Classic Slayer 3-8...
Ha ha. All this hype and community involvement, and still no properly functioning fileshare. :343:: Hey, at least we gave you guys access to the...
I really think we should have been able to a decade ago, but now would be better than never.