I've been wanting a new version of Nerf Arena Blast for years. The colours in the Breakout maps remind me of a more adult version of those maps....
I would assume that if the Breakout maps weren't Forged, they wouldn't have that crappy placeholder preview image. My money will be on forgeable....
As much as I hated the thumpy sound of Halo 4's jump pads and how that seems to have carried over somewhat to Halo 5, I can't help but love the...
I know right. Most advanced Forge to come out, (till this December) available on what is not only a massive Halo collection, but one of the most...
I can understand where you are coming from. My thing is that I just wouldn't want a hundred different weapons potentially in my pocket. On the...
To help those who don't know the tricks to bypass shoddy web design find and add their map and gametypes to their Forgehub posts, here is the...
Any chance you guys talked to 343 about replacing that convoluted, bulky, bloated, (yah I said it 2 different ways - For Emphasis!) piece of ****...
Preacher001 submitted a new map: Hornets Nest - Fly or die on the hive in the sky. Classic Slayer, Slayer, 2-10 Players. Bring your skills,...
Classic Slayer gametype - in other words, no loadouts and map only powerups Warning - this map takes some jet pack skills Welcome to the Hornets...
Preacher001 submitted a new map: Tahros Port - Enjoy a seaside slaughter at our humble little port. Classic Slayer 3-6 Players So as I sit here...
So as I sit here enjoying a libation (that's a word I've never used before) I write about this ugly duckling and wish upon a star that it doesn't...
Preacher001 submitted a new map: Scooby Shootout - Have some classic Scooby Doo fun Halo style. Classic Slayer, 2-5 Player Scooby Shootout is a...
Scooby Shootout is a small, silly, simple map that came into being when I was talking about the lame Scooby Doo hallway gag. You know the one...
Preacher001 submitted a new map: Planet Caravan Arena - Fans demanded more bloodshed and premium seating. We give them the newly renovated PC...
First off I'd like to say thank you to gtapoptart aka megadoug for building the original Planet Caravan. His 6 hours of labour (at least that's...
@darkprince909 switching to private to keep this forum on topic.
@darkprince909 - MCC doesn't have a life cycle. It's a collection. Off Topic[spoiler]
Not my play style but the map footage looks amazing.
Preacher001 submitted a new map: RF2. Fall Factor Amped - Red Faction 2 remake. Platforms and jump pads and destruction - oh my. Requires Red...
**You must use Jolans RF2 gametype listed below** DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE Props go to Jolan for making this incredible map remake from one of my...