No seriosuly! 343 if your listening, custom map screenshots. It's already gotten irritating and Forge isn't even out yet. "Was I looking for a...
I would love to see a toggleable feature that displayed a left to right scrollable map list (screenshots), located under a users sig in their...
So I had myself a little stroll around the new BTB maps and I've got to say it gives me great hope for the new Forge. The influence that custom...
I think everyone is focusing on the wrong thing. What really matters is: !!343 INDUSTRIES IS LOOKING FOR A FORGE ENVIRONMENT ARTIST!! Who will...
I don't mind mobility in a game and I'm a huge fan of the new clamber feature. I also like the idea of skill based trick jumps, although I'm not...
And then everyone starts playing totally against the flow you envisioned and the 5 year old in you comes out. "You're doing it all wrong."...
@Psychoduck [MEDIA] Gold star for this point: 7:36-7:55 and not just as it pertains to vehicles.
All my friends owned a copy of Halo 1,2,3,4 and Reach (I was the only one to own ODST) and we all played via split screen at my place. We did a...
Speaking of Gaurdian, let's get some monstrous trees in the new Forge. I would like to see some Ewok village style maps. I want a huge tree with...
I agree with your sentiment over how to score this game. It sounds like we aren't really that far off. My score is not final and is based on my...
Now that the game has been out for a week, how is everyone here feeling about the lack of split screen? I'm noticing a lot of hate on the...
I typically call it Classic Slayer, and it's all abilities off, no loadouts - map weapons and power ups only. I would recommend a something like...
If they let you Forge your own Warzone maps Boneyard may actually be a worthwhile map. With MCC around I'm not too hyped on remakes. As a...
-You mean besides allowing us to pick our map preview image right? -Race and Rally gametypes applicable to all vehicles. Spawn/respawn in whatever...
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
Luke, I am your father. Come to the dark side you nob.
I haven't had a match on this map, but I loved the look and feel when I ran around it. PS. please stop placing filler vehicles in Halo, or hire...
You know the funny thing is, a truly competitive map tends to bore me. I prefer to feel like I'm having fun for the duration of my game as...
I think Breakout is supposed to be for those of us that just want to play on an awesome map without trying to define it's reason for existing. "...
Here's it playing Halo 5 :) [MEDIA] Only a couple days left and then it won't be available after kickstarter till much later next year.