There is a Delete all button, I used it many times. It's in the objects options, in bold letters. On Alpine if you place a block or floor ect......
Woot!!! Only one hour to place the block I wanted, in the location I wanted, on the angle I wanted, with the side showing I wanted. As an added...
Steep learning curve. Hell I'm still trying to grasp unit sizes and how not to delete the object that I put behind me while fussing with another...
How cruel is it to put this bloody update at the very beginning of the guy Xmas shopping season. Everyone gets gifts from the gas station,...
Oh sure, put it out when I'm sleeping.
ughghh, the download crawl. 13% and creeping.
There's always a couple Ba-humbug'rs in the night before Forge.
@Fraser M.W. I don't know, I kinda feel like dealing with the environment is part of gameplay. This isn't a laser tag room, it's a ruin. As...
My head was going to explode, so I stopped reading after page 3.
From a few of the comments we have heard around the old watering hole, some of you may want to do a little tweaking to your 343 co-forges. What...
I gotta admit it, the new Forge, I'm pretty impressed. If this is just some of what we get to play with, I'm going to be a happy camper, for like...
I feel like this is something that may have been a valid topic a couple months ago but it seems a bit . . . let's just say "unnecessary" now. As...
I'm all for spotlighting Forge maps and adding them to the list, and I don't even mind 343 Creating a few of their own Forge maps and adding them...
@iParanormal You had me worried for a second. By the topic of this post I thought I had travelled back in time and was going to have to wait...
Halo 3 had the look and feel I most wanted in a Halo game. It felt like Bungie had come the closest to their original vision in that game. I wish...
My Baltis Causeway map, as I have never properly released it, even though I've had many matches on it. I'm hoping the new Forge will let me build...
This is an odd request that I won't know if it's even valid until after the release of the new Forge, but I wouldn't mind a Terraformer map...
That's deep. Like . . . bottom of the pickle jar deep.
@Suicufnoc I believe that is how Bungie did it. I'm not too sure about the newer Forge as I haven't enjoyed it enough to spend much time with it.
@NOKYARD I think the smart thing would be for the system to download and replace the existing file but keep the previous versions of the map...