It left with the old owner. He put it in his Gucci bag. Or it got moved like a million and a half other items. Either-or.
[img] [img]
Breaking Bad is just phenom. I started watching while season 5 was just coming on and I was floored. It's definitely a much better show watched...
[img] Come-in, Dog Fort! Over.
[media] timmy C
I just seen Fruitvale Station. Good shat, bruh.
it looks and tastes very Favel'y
I jizzed in my pants. and your girlfriend's pants.
I love you too. Butt sex.
Everytime Security posts here I feel like I did something i shouldn't have..
'Merica. Put our dough in pigs. *****.
just seen mac miller n meek mill. soooo sick.
Just got home from a lil burn sesh at the quaint White Castle establishment up the road. Twas nice. A fine end to a fine day. Oh yeh seen the...
MAC MAC MAC wha-wha-wha-whaaat MAC MAC MAC pack ya gat, it's ya boy Mac n my sack in yo tea, teabaggin furrrdays n we sippin kooolaid n we already...
This is a gated community, please get the **** off the property
let's all party at the Jersey Shore! said nobody ever
the simplicity is astounding. let me play.