I actually checked his post number to realize I've been bamboozled.
Heh-heh. Pirates. People still pirate? tsk-tsk. *ques active download* I've heard of FL Studio before, without a doubt. I'll check it out....
Ouch. Yeah I heard that. I'm in a similar situation. What made me realize I should just lock that girl away in the spank-bank and just forget her...
fixxdd. fflr
LoL. I think we both know which is a more.. viable option. Especially with the way my checking account is looking these days. What program do you...
I wish.
I also downloaded Crackdown for free. Free games r cool. Too bad box is at house w ***** mom. Need new house.
I'm looking to shuffle into this world but I'm not sure what I'm looking for or where to find it. I wanna cook up some funky-a$$ beats and just...
excuse me.. do you have a thick rope that i could just phuckin hang someone with? .. like a thick one?
[media] Cleverbot is more fun than I remember.. [spoiler]
are they still beheading folks? save us yeezus.
Wurd. I also am tryna.. GeT down on a new server.
He understands.
If you want to throw down in fisticuffs, fine, I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary waitin' for ya...right here!
I seriously stole pokemon cards. fight me. [media]
light hearted.. they said the N word like a million n a half times. that game was as light hearted as Wonder Bread.
If you were running security there I may not have had such luck. I mean no, I bought them. I stole the receipt too.
lifted a pack of Pokemon cards off a Walmart the other day. found this guy. first card in like 10 years. [img] It was the holo one too! Looked...
Where's the love button?
What revenge? That donkey copped a buffy. It should be saying thank you in the next movie.