The high quality of the spartan is pretty amazing. The lighting is also pretty amazing. Where you get that spartan at? or if you made it...
Alright, so firstly you have a Dell computer, which are harder than custom made computers when coming to take apart and add stuff to. You...
YouTube - 65daysofstatic 'Radio Protector'
Both Fears, Bioshock, Dead Space, Half-Life 2, this one game that was about vampires and ****, Halo 1 flood, Half-Life was sort of scary.
There's also emails being sent for the beta, so if you get an email about the beta don't open it, just delete it.
I understand you don't want CnC, but I'm going to give it to you anyways. His head is kind of small and so is his body. Also, the lines need to be...
I think someone posted something and then the post got deleted.
I got the one with shiny silver 20 gb hard drive and the shiny silver controller (like the grey part is shiny). Oh also, it's the white one.
Is your focal the words or the guy? Because the words stand out a bit and that's what's attracting my eyes. Or is the sword? Or Do you want us...
I love legos, but I don't think I'll watch the movie. Doesn't sound like such a great idea.
I'm hoping it's still directed either Peter Jackson or Neill Blomkamp. Neill's shorts were pretty good, and hopefully is District 9 is good then...
I don't like the many glitches in all their maps, which kind of destroys the quality of the maps.
Even with Johnson, I'm probably going to play as someone else. Mostly because I could give less of a **** who I am, as long as I'm playing. That's...
yeah, you can see where i press down
I think they should give him a Smoking Pipe, then he'd look inquisitive while killing aliens.
You should put the one on High Ground computer that shows Cortana's face.
YouTube - Maybeshewill - He Films The Clouds Pt.2 Great song, love the piano and rhythm.
Yeah that guys is way huge. But making the guy smaller he'd probably drown, I suggest making the buildings a lot bigger.
I'm enjoying the position of the elite on the fourth one. Looks like he's about to tackle someone or diving from the explosion.
If you talk about real life then, Mickey. Because, I LOVE being an ODST. More than I did being a pilot. More than I did being a crew chief on a...