Third grade. Woke up in the morning, turned on the tv to watch cartoons, my brother stopped at Fox News and the moment we saw it he ran upstairs...
His left arm security shoulder, some of it turned white. It looks unnatural.
Super stalker like thread, oh well. Carmel High School One of the biggest high schools in the nation. Biggest high school in Indiana. Over 4500...
Second and Third are very depressing, but I'm guessing that's what you wanted. So, very nice.
Soo....beautiful :')
to look at the hidden videos
I haven't played the game, so i have no idea.
I'll try and not be lazy and give it a try, but that's highly unlikely. And you're going to have to give people time. Be patient. Or just ask...
Not sure if anyone posted this yet, but I searched for it and didn't find anything about it. But here you go. Halo 3 ODST [spoiler]
You want a guy with skin a bit lighter than Johnson, but Caucasian?
So did you count how many people noticed that?
Lol, yeah I watched that a week ago, it's catchy. Well the sig has two focals which kind of messes with the eyes, also the text doesn't really...
It's a cool effect, but i think it works better on focal's that look like they're moving. Like your car one.
K i found it, awesome. Still going to use one of the actual ODST.
If it's anyone ordering from amazon, then where is this information?
Save it as .png sometimes .jpg makes transparent bg white.
Is this only for UK? Because I live in the US and there is no information on the code being emailed.
That bracket makes me sad.
That looks awesome. I wish I made a halo sig. I'm sorry but I have to say this: All the sigs are really high quality and then the last sig doesn't...
Nope, my school didn't require us to watch. I kind of wanted to though.