[IMG] Cnc?
[IMG] Started yesterday and finished a few ago. Cnc would be nice, and if anyone want me to resize it for you so you can use it as your...
[IMG] Thoughts and Cnc?
Just wondering what the FH community is going to be doing today, being XBL is down for the day. For me, Amber will be coming over for a while (we...
As requested. Comments would be nice. [IMG]
[IMG] [IMG] v2 CnC.
After i saw what Juggernaut posted, i though i should post some of my huns work. I don't think she'll mind if i post this. So Tell me what you...
"XCM or ECM (Extreme Card Manipulation) is the most visual branch of live performance with cards which is also called "Flourishing". Flourishes...
V1 [IMG] V2 [IMG] CnC and thoughts?
[IMG] Want to see what you guys think of my SOTW entry :P
[IMG] Version2 [IMG] CnC please.
Just talking with Insane, and i happen to bring up one oh my hobbies, 'XCM'. If you dont know what it is look at these quick vids....
Ok was play some rumble pit i believe (cant remember), with Y35 and Th knight, and a few others. Then, when under lift i started hitting a guy mid...