reptiles - YouTube
I'm a happy camper.
I have a level 50+ unfortunately and I don't own the game anymore, but I'm sure I can snag my buddy's copy. I'm not interested in starting a new...
A very nice thing about the Scarlet DLC is the [spoiler]
Matt and I are attempting Hyperious. Siren and a Commando. Anyone up for helping us?
They are mostly for switches or gameplay gimmicks, like that Halo 3 elevator and the Pallet Parade map. Straight up awesome for customs.
Cool. I'd start a new profile too to play witchu
Yeah you would love it sarge.:(
I'm still downloading that ****er. It won't let me turn the system off to download while saving me some extra bandwidth not updating my xboxlive...
Oh poo.
I really, really want to see that picture of Chuck.
Seven Psychopaths was awesome.
Yeah, I'm going to end buying it. I know it'll happen.
I'll make some sqeti an' butter.
Give me a time and place, and I may or may not show up.
Cryptic, therefore sexy.
Fire, as in well done by oversized men.
Ima give you a 4 minute warning. Also how about dem reds?
A tarantula enjoys a nice piece of chewing gum.
I'm diggin Pioneer. Edit: VIP is underrated. Soo many possibilities.