Oooooooo I'm taking that next semester. What's so bad about it?
Then watching the ****ing video esé.
I'll let that typo slide. Eyes!
Prisencolinensinainciusol with Subtitles - YouTube
Dude, Black Ops 2 just came out too. I'm sure that BO2 is responsible for a fraction of the missing population. EDIT: Never mind. Peg already...
That sounds like a terrible time. You'll get bored and will lose concentration you dummy. Dumb dumb dumb. Dumb. Dumb. I hope you...
I suppose that Dawnguard was worth the money, and I'm glad that Bethesda released DLCs in smaller scope before they tackled something much...
IE......... gross.
Hang onto my ass.
Eww that does sound icky. Icky like grandpa and his pudding.
Bought a mac mini off craigslist yesterday for $35. Fixed it up with some new parts and I connected it to my computer for shits and gigs....
David Bowie (feat Nine Inch Nails) - I'm Afraid Of Americans - YouTube
In regards to the map variant in the video: is it already done, or are we going to see a progression of videos of the variant to a finished product?
Oblivion let's plays are great. Also I agree with Sarge, very nice voice over on the video.
Grif you look like Barry Zito. that's a good thing.
We'll figure it out.
Oh poo. I have an tendency of making people upset.
Ahahhahahaha. I saw him lurk a moment ago. I'm sure he isn't too pleased.