Possibly Salvador or Maya again. Make sure to not complete the "You are Cordially Invited" quest if you want me to have a same level character....
Shouldn't be too hard to catch up. However there is one mission given to you that you can fail and do over again and again for infinite exp. I...
Okay. I can literally just start a new character at where you guys are in the campaign. What level are you currently?
I'll be free to play tomorrow, so if you're willing to wait then great. Either way, no big deal.
I don't. :( Go ahead and play. There's ways in which I can catch up.
Because I didn't want a Facebook anymore. That **** is way too retarded to carry on with.
Oh I hope so. Imdb is going nuts over it.
I won't be able to play today. Doing yoga and gonna watch Django. Yes, really, yoga.
I'm seeing that in about three hours.
The 343 website is so ugly.
Yeah sounds good.
I owe you that season pass, so don't go out and buy that yet. I'll have it to you soon.
Oh lord
Danny DeVito should get a chin reduction and ass implants.
At least I know that the map pack wasn't worth it. They ain't gettin my money ho.
Some killers own pets.
I wasn't listening apparently. This really blows.
It is Halo related actually, so it fits. Anyway I'm predicting we'll see another map pack within a couple months. Hopefully something more...