The Dodgers are dead this season and their fans aren't taking it too well. I bask in the aura of their pain and suffering.
Doing my true vault hunter play through solo (mostly, thanks Comm. Matt) and it's easy as a Siren. Enemies be candy ass bitches when you have...
What are the perks of beating terramorphous? Also I'm not gonna watch that video. Spoilers, etc.
Hah. I have a level 40 siren. Obviously not close enough.
Cool. I had you on my friends list once upon a time. Anyway my goal is to kill Terramorphous. EDIT: pinohkio, I'm running a Siren built for mass...
Grif is the allmighty master of conversation.
Next thing you know you'll be initiated into a cult in Chuck's basement when you go visit.
Just started my second play through. Only level 35, but my siren class is built like a glass cannon from hell.
At level 20, I found an Orange rarity rifle that does 1200 damage per round. 24 round clip and wastes 4 rounds per shot. Does explosive damage and...
No, not I. [img]
Bought the game last night. Managed to get to level 14 by doing every which side quest inbetween. My favorite line so far is when [spoiler] Also...
I still want muiltiteam ctf. Will probably never see the light of day.
Have to wait until late Friday to play. Still looking for buddies to play with.
Takeshi "Terry" Terauchi - Tsugaru Jongara Bushi (1966 Original version) - YouTube
Nice. Tom Waits is the man.
I'm starting to think you don't play halo.
Ha I don't.
I remember 343 saying somewhere sometime that they won't rehash locations between campaign and multiplayer modes. 343 does not look like a lazy...
I want battlefield: 2143 with a map creator. Titan mode bitches.
Swans - Mother Of The World - YouTube Skip to about 4:00. This song is obscure and non electro. In other words, something this thread ****ing...