did I comment in here already? I don't remember
the party never ends
I'd be a lot more active if I had an xbone & MCC, do people still play custom reach maps? because H4 forge is just really bad
hallo PPC
I forgot to make a new years resolution
I would fix my avatar, but I lost the original .xcf ;_;
to be fair, this site dropped off the face of the earth for a year also, SJ4supremeoverlord
that announcer voice is really off putting also, what is up with the pistol firing sound?
why would people like my page?
I still don't understand why they decided to round out the corners of the forge blocks
any difference from the PPC? I know the PPC allows shitposting, what about here?
petition to change my tag to supreme overlord, because I can't fake it anymore
hallo Am I too new for the "old as ****" title?
now that I am a senior, can I start yelling at kids that don't use enough interlox in their map?
Isn't this still PPC 2.0?
I don't have an X1, but if the MCC ever comes to PC, then certainly
anyway the wind blows nothing really matters to meeeeee tooo meeeeeee
Coincidentally, I happen to be studying Cohen's theses on monster culture It's actually very interesting...
that seems to imply that all other comments on the internet are notably articulate to begin with
[media] by the way, at 1:50, guy looks like iron man