Diablo 3? I thought Hellgate:London was supposed to fit the bill for that....I'm going to need to see a bit of proof about the existence of this...
It could be a slightly damaged disc. It could also be your DVD drive freaking out a little, I know mine had been doing that on and off for a while.
Good thing I won't be around at the time of testing. Knowing my luck, that one in 50 million 'end of the world' would happen, heh.
Um, after reading the news report, I'm inclined to think that the school Mr. Freshwater worked at does not screen their applicants. He claims it...
Well, I was going to wait until someone else posted this, but since I suppose I'm probably one of the only Canadians on the board, I'll take the...
I'm definitely getting in on this if it gets started. I can offer my services as a profile reviewer, or something along those lines. I've quite a...
Doesn't sound like it's actually a problem with your box. To me this sounds more like screwy component cables.
That man's face is going to give me nightmares. He looks like something out of The Hills Have Eyes or Wrong Turn. ****ing perverts. Someone...
Yeah, I'm going to be calling in tomorrow, most likely. I entered the SN on the Microsoft website, and it informed me that the warranty was...
So, you guys might not be seeing much of me for a while. My Xbox 360 that I purchased three or four years ago has, after outlasting every single...
I would sure as hell have gone to their concert had I realized they were recently in Calgary.
Hmm, Something tells me the guy in the first story is either a douchebag bully who just hasn't realized that you can't steal lunch monies from...
Skull name: Lone Wolf Skull description: You stand alone..... Skull color: Gold Skull location: Halo- At the end of the rather long tunnel next to...
I don't mind the whole 'using new tactics thing'. There's nothing wrong with that. Certainly, people hiding in this way can get rather annoying,...
I voted yes.....but I do acknowledge the fact that such an advertisement will bring with it a great flood of assholes.
To be serious, I think all you can do is earn another achievement, and it should eventually unglitch.
Excuse me while I go bleach my eyes.
Why not just create an actual petition and send it to bungie instead of spamming it through XBL messages?
I played it a few years ago, never really got around to reinstalling on my new laptop though. It was pretty damn fun, I might pick it up to give...
Your statement about punching the guitarist from Outlaw is...well, for lack of better terms, just plain stupid. They didn't design the song in...