*twitch* This....this has to be fake. Dear god, it has to be fake. I mean, I've met some idiotic, rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth fanboys before...
That's rather bizzarre. Yeah, to me it looks like said child might actually be two children conjoined as one. But we'll just have to wait and see...
I'd help contribute to the killcount, but I currently do not have a 360.
I have a Wow account, but my subscription is currently expired. Once I bother to renew it, you'll be able to find me on Azraeus, 70 human rogue...
Okay, yeah, my friend got back from Blizzard Worldwide Invitational in Paris a few days ago, and he brought back several items which essentially...
Azriusn, but I'm not on skype very often
Really damn slow. I tend to be very careful when it comes to placing objects, and I'll often go back and redo a section to straighten or better...
Uhh....I don't really see any hate comments here, and people are actually contributing to the post in some small way, their comments aren't...
This is worthy of a Darwin.
The thing that makes the difference between a hospital in the states and the hospitals in Canada is that our hospitals are generally all run by...
I'm sure it's mentioned somewhere how to get your map featured. Asking just seems tacky. That would probably be why you've gotten negative rep for...
I play Age of Conan, work, and hang out with friends. More or less the same stuff I do when I have an Xbox, minus playing Halo and the like.
I would argue that the needler isn't a power weapon, you have to actually be able to use it properly to be effective with it in most cases, and it...
Forge: -Placeable terrain (ie. trees and the like) -The option to make an object indestructible/immovable -An "undo" button. Dear god, please, we...
I hear you. It's getting incredibly tiring going into matchmaking only to be hit again and again with the same strategies, all the time by...
Every time someone types in Leetspeak, god kills ten puppies. Please, think about the puppies. I loathe leetspeak. I try not to hold anyone else...
Pffft. If you're really wanting to grab some sort of reference from a TV show to bash Canada, South Park is the way to go.
Isn't the American Health Care System awesome? That's one of the reasons living in Canada is great: Free health care, and stuff like this...
Bioshock is definitely pretty good, but I don't know if it was the best. I'm thinking Mass Effect kind of fits that bill.
So, a few weeks ago, I decided that Age of Conan looked pretty damn nifty. After reading a ton and a half of positive reviews for the game, I...