Haha, I posted an article I wrote on this topic for a first year-philosophy course a little ways back-I'm fairly certain I mentioned the issue of...
Hmm, you appear to have somewhat of a utilitarian view of morality (moral/immoral are determined by what maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain for...
I'm going to play devil's advocate here for a moment.....You're essentially arguing that you're pro-choice, but the only examples that you are...
I primarily use noob as a derogatory term.....For me, someone who's new to the game is a newbie....someone who's just a complete toolbox/horrible...
Bass/Guitar: Expert Drums: Medium/Hard Vocals: Expert
You'd be surprised- there ARE people out there who would argue that there are clear-cut, definite and absolute moral laws. I'm essentially arguing...
Prophet of Truth+2 scarabs+7 engineers=game over.
Anti infantry. Bye bye ODST.
First off, yes. it is real. I shall answer your second question with another question: Can I bend the laws of space, time, and reality so that...
Regrettably, I haven't played the first Half Life. I dearly want to, however. I really love how many different mods and the like are available for...
Eh, I'm no Halo fanboy. As I've said before, I originally wasn't even planning on buying the game- I heard friends talking excitedly about it, and...
I'm confused....are you talking about a Bungie-spoonsored Forgehub Playlist, or just a bunch of gametypes involving the FH members? Because if...
Eh. Usually if anyone in my family is embarassing me, it's intentional on their part. I usually just make fun of them for something that they did....
Ever since the dawn of time, long before human beings even walked the earth, already there was the polar opposition, good and evil, order and...
Hoo boy. This is a hell of a can of worms you've opened, Spartan. This is one of those issues that people feel quite passionately about. Rather...
Really, it's my personal opinion that it all falls to the perogative of the parents. If they use Halo 3 and related violent games as some sort of...
The question of war raises a question of the underlying staple of war-violence. I am personally of the mind that the majority of human beings...
I didn't even have any idea there were more than just those maps in the mythic map pack. Shows you how much attention I pay, heh. Also, if...
Well, since you asked....I will begin this post with a disclaimer, in big angry bold text. The websites I am about to reference here contain...
I respectfully inform you that you don't appear to have much taste, sir...particularly since several games on the Wii were ALSO released on other...