I've heard that Europe has the opposite view of North America- they consider violence much worse than sex. It seems to me that we as a society are...
No worries, hopefully the new topic can get off the ground
I actually bothered making lunch for myself. That's an achievement, I'm usually too lazy to pack my own food so I just end up buying crap from one...
Noob. :P. Seriously though...sounds like your disc tray is screwed up, or there's something wrong with the laser that reads the discs. I'd take...
Not many people like the notion of determinism- we don't like to think that some external force is controlling our lives, be it society, a divine...
I suppose I understand that, in any case. No one likes to think that what they believe could be wrong. It's human nature.
Some good points made on God in the debate. Too bad most people probably aren't going to listen to them, I've yet to see a rebuttal to my own...
Someone like me? Please explain that, because you may have just invalidated everything you (and possibly anyone who takes your position) have said...
Logical counter-arguments please.
It's 3 AM here, so I'm just going to pipe in with a bit of random food for thought- a few arguments about God for all of you to chew on. Time to...
Hmm...I've got quite a few scars, as I tend to be extremely accident prone. As for two of the worst though..... There's the whole outside of my...
I don't really know many of the more popular maps around here, so I'll keep my opinions to the Bungie-created maps. Guardian is decent, but...
Yeah, but half the time the audio that transmits through the TVS speakers is almost unintelligible.
Yeah, I wasn't aware Scarabs were upgradeable either....
Okay, it looks like we're running into a bit of confusion here. There are mods, and then there are hacks. I believe what Epicfishfingers is...
Gotta laugh at The Donald's comment that "It'll be a target for terrorists!", when he's conveniently building a tower that will be in direct...
I havent really had a great deal of problems with my dell, I've got an XPS M1730
I can't help but think this comic might be a hoax, or something....It just looks...off to me.
Safari fails. Get Firefox or...well, anything other than safari, because it randomly does that on a LOT of websites.
The basis of this argument is that it questions whether or not there is a difference between law and morality. I posit that there is an undeniable...