I haven't posted here in quite some time. Prepare yourselves, folks. This'll be a 'bigun. 1. You might want to read a different translation....
This is essentially a hypothetical situationt used in arguments for/against abortion. The issue of whether the infants life is more 'sacred' and...
The thing is, just because you clone someone, that doesn't necessarily mean the clone will be absolutely identical- certainly, they will have the...
You know, I think it's safe to say this debate is closed. Both sides have made their points, and all that's being said now is repetition and...
Why do I get the feeling that no one is going to give him the satisfaction of a ban? XD
Awww. Guys, he just wants attention. *gives Lockdown a cookie*
You aren't getting enough iron in your diet. Eat more spoons.
Oh, it's on now! .... Take that, *****.
big letterz mayk me kewl gaiz!
stop ruining my eyes!
Your post makes my eyes bleed. Now there's blood all over my keyboard, you asshole. And I can't see well enough to go and get cleaning supplies,...
They did have a good reason. 'cuz it's hilarious.
Ow. My effing eyes.
This is very entertaining, I must say. I suppose you've gotta give Spix credit for being, um....devoted to his beliefs?
First, go here if you can stop being juvenile long enough to formulate a reasonable and intelligent argument against the guilders....
Come again?
I believe my first 360 game was Perfect Dark Zero. Excellent, and quite under-rated game, if you ask me.
Meh. War takes effort. I'll just kick back, see how it plays out, and join whoever wins, 'kay?
BIG LETTERS MAKE PEOPLE LISTEN TO ME BETTER! I can't tell if this thread is a joke or not.....
I am more co-ordinated when I am drunk than I am sober. Figure that one out.