Yeah, luckily I just adjusted coordinates a bit and it's fine now. It's a fixable thing in my situation, just took some toying with.
Hey there 4chub, So I have been working on a 2v2 map and have recently added a new power weapon (Railgun) three levels above the original power...
Ubers pretty fun. I like it more than OU
Curious, does anyone here play on Showdown? Preferably in the lower tiers like nu or uu.
hi (this is here because it said "hi" was too short of a post so now I'm writing this)
"A lot of what has been said here is akin to posting lengthy explanations in a minigame release thread as to why you don't like minigames, or...
Oh I loved this :) I'm not at all a hater of halo 4's forge, but denying these obvious problems is foolish. If we do not speak out on issues,...
I actually really like this, it reminds me of halo 3's original forge, structurally. The design leads me to believe that it would play just fine...
I must say, as one who remade epitaph as well, you are very accurate. Can't wait to see the finished product. :)
Hey givin. ok fisrt off dis map has framrate lagg idk if u notice3d plus dymanic liting isnt on tha map. u shud fix that pls. In all...
lol thanks man
Map Name:Elegy Created By: o Urban Myth o Original Map: Epitaph Link to FH thread: Map Preview Elegy (H3's Epitaph) - Forge Hub Download...
Set for Slayer and Koth variants, 4-8 players recommended (try multi team on this, seriously). Hello again Forgehub, hopefully now that I...
Angerfist & Dyprax - The Before - HQ Official - YouTube Whatchu tink dawg? I know it's not necessarily your taste but..
Congrats Noxiw, one of the coolest puzzle maps I've played :)
Congrats meta! You beast!
Halo vs Metroid - YouTube
colab!? I really don't know what to think about this... Northern Trip Footage - YouTube
Minecraft - Mooshrooms (1.9 Prerelease Part 4) - YouTube
I'm buying it tomorrow :D