Behind you! Despite our inevitable slaughter when we played given and red, this map was fun and the flow was very good. There was never one area...
I'll test if I'm online
This looks ****ing cool, do you have it in your file share?
Just did this, realized I was waaay more relevant in Halo 3 :/ lol. I now know that I have to blow your minds away with something completely new...
Hey man, just wondering if you were gonna help me with the screenshots. It's cool if you're busy just wondering what the word is.
DL-ing right now, I don't know how the map will play but these aesthetics are amazing from what I can see.
I actually have screenshots in my file share as well as a walkthrough video. They're on Impact, thanks for your help kazer!
Hey kazer, I've been working on a map recently and would like to post a map preview if you'd like to help :)
You'll figure it out man.
There's no shame in taking inspiration, but the only thing that makes a map mine is me. That's why you should channel your inner-self ;)
Right, Sturdy wont be my only one either
Are you making anything for the tournament?
Ha! What are you forging?
Map Name: Sturdy Creator(s): o Urban Myth o Gamertag Hosting the Map: o Urban Myth o Link to Forge Hub Thread: Sturdy [IMG] I know it's a little...
Recently updated for the Dust-up 2v2 gametype! The major changes to this version are; 0 clip Rockets at bottom middle on 180 second respawn 0...
Hello new friend
Lol right, that's why Elegy isn't exact, because it's my map.
Thanks, I'll be thinking about future remake contests but right now, I feel no interest. That's not to say I wont forge, just wanna do some more...
^ this Made me lol :D
Thanks audience, like I said, the love does outweigh the hate. I would recommend playing multi team (red, blue, yellow, green) as apposed to 4v4....