Idk, I think the "megalutions" are pretty interesting. I like that there will be tactics to dealing with Mega pokemon like running knock off to...
[media] Don't know if this will get any attention here, but I'm trying to be better about making videos and wanted some feedback :3
UU replay: NeroKaze vs. Hi Im Urban - Pokémon Showdown
Really liking how this is coming along... If I get into a party with you sometime soon, I'd like to see.
caught you peeking :D
[IMG] [media] Hello 4chubbers. I'm Urban aaaaand I have been kind of in the dark as of recent when it comes to posting maps, but I've been...
mmax, I actually just replaced snipers with needlers and decided to go with concussion rifle in the middle. I apreciate you trying to help :)
[media] Tell me what you think guys, thanks for watching :)
I really welcome this change, I know the dust up tournament is pretty much dead but is there aaaaany word on said tournament?
[media] This is for 1v1's..... that's pretty much it :)
Sorry if you are a Zelda fan, this is not what you may be looking for. This is a BTB map designed for CTF and a Gametype made by "o Nondual o,"...
The Agonist - Monochromatic stains (Dark Tranquility cover) - YouTube
Battle Butts - YouTube
I'm really digging this concept Dark, I'd like to see it at some point.
Ah I remember running around this, then driving, then flying in mongooses due to your lifts. I would love to test this, please invite whenever...
Congrats, one of my favorite BTB maps here. :D
Viewing Pokemon replay: uu-15201859 - Pokemon Showdown
Damn man, how have I not seen this? and if it's avideo you need, I can provide you one.
and now its working.... ok nevermind. lock thread?