-Will players look direction be preserved through teleporters? In the past, if players were looking upwards, downwards, left, right, etc, they...
-How many maps will we be able to store at one time in our fileshare? -Do spawn points, trait zones, etc count towards the 1024 objects?
-Can we copy and paste a group of objects to another canvas? Like say I build a Star Destroyer on the space canvas, and down the road a...
-How do light fixtures (lamps, fluorescent lights, etc) affect performance? How many of them can we place on our maps and still maintain decent...
He was just answering your question about other games with user generated content. No need to be rude.
I wasn't thinking the thumbnail would be embedded into the map itself, actually. It would be a separate file, just linked (similar to people's...
So basically, there would be the most recent autosave from within the past 5 minutes, and then another from 5 minutes before that? And then when...
I had one idea for a Forge feature (assuming it's not one of the features they're already planning on): an autosave feature. Every so many...
I think they're over thinking it. A thumbnail wouldn't necessarily have to be generated from within forge. Why not use theater for that? Say...
Aesthetic maps are just about all I do. I plan on remaking the Star Destroyer I made in Reach, only this time around I'm not even going to bother...
If map saving is indeed entirely cloud based, that could still work, as long as there is some sort of backup system in place. Perhaps there could...
Wait, so our maps aren't saved to our local hdd's anymore? That's annoying, though I suppose I can live, as long as the map saving system & the...
I voted for browser-based fileshare, however I think searching for someone's GT from the game's file browser should also be implemented....
Mid December, according to this interview with Bonnie Ross: [MEDIA]
I'm going to guess the fifth. Why? Because I really, really, really want it soon, and if if I'm right, I not only get Forge, but a USB cable....
Yesterday, I read the Xbox One will be able to play used games. Today, I read that it will only play used games after you pay some kind of...
The web fileshare kept track of how many downloads, as well as how many likes. 343's Reach fileshare does as well. Pretty sure it's invisible...
You don't need to add people to your friend's list to download their H4 maps. You just need to do a Fileshare search & plug their GT in.
Now that I've played the game, lets see how well it fit these: 1-Wonky rotation. Yeah, it's just as bad (I hate how things go all askew when you...
WWWilliam didn't say it was a mini-game; he said it could be used for mini-games.