I checked the map out for a longer portion, and my only problem is the corners get wayyyy dark. It can be a little hard to play in the "base" type...
Alright. Some updates have been made (just small ones, like BRs/plasma nades moved around, and some spawn areas have been placed). The link ish...
It looks a little on the small side...the super small side... And easily escapable...and spawnkilling.. Other then that, its fine.
I do like your creative use of replacing the conveyor belts. And it looks like an accurate remake. :D
I like the idea. Its realy creative. Only problem, is that with SSB you can see the whole map. So it might be a little complicated. But still,...
Yeah i know there are the 4 small ledges up there. And you would imagine its the most godly camping position in the world. But its actually not...
Special Asthetics or Gameplay? Try going inside that tube. Thats not only the biggest gameplay factor on the map, but its also great for asthetics.
What do you mean exactly? The tube in the center, is actually 2 tubes interlocked together. One of the tubes is turned about 45*. So it makes the...
Haha a single grav lift? Take a closer look at the pictures. There are a total of the 1 grav lift, and 8, count em, 8, mancannons. ;D
[IMG] Created by SmartAlec13 Supported Gametypes: Jettison supports most larger gametypes. It supports Flag, Assault, Slayer, Territories,...
Its a cool idea. Deffinatly the best 3-layer map ive seen, and the asthetics are good. But how does it play? These maps are sometimes risky to...
I like the map layout. At first i saw the title and im like "What kinda person names their map that?" But the layout is amazing. The banshee...
At first i honestly did not see the Guardian in it. Now i do somewhat. But its not perfect for a remake. I think of it more as a map inspired...
Oh hey look, its that Bridge i saw in Atlas. Agian i say the same thing. Are there issues with the vehicles? Im the kinda guy who likes 99% of...
Chrius, youve done it agian! You have inspired me to create my own map. I hope you do not mind that i use this idea to create my own map. The...
Well a new version uploaded. I fail at links on this website, so it looks a little messy lol.
Thanks for the ratings :D And im currently doing some major editing, so expect a new update soon. But no the choppers arent leaving, and they...
Well the vehicles are not pointless. They are in fact veyr fun and usefull :D As for the slit walls in the center. The Hallways are meant to be...
Alright well back in ATLAS they say some spawns are bad. I wouldnt have listened much, but enough people were saying it, so they may be on to...
Well there are tons of sticky grenades around the map to take down the Chopper. And thanks JAC and everyone. JAC you said its epic but you...