Point System Slayer - 2-12 players - FFA or Teams - Competative Point System is a gametype I got from the whole "Credit" thing, where you get...
I have added a video now :D sorry it took so long, my friend finnally decided to help me out.
Haha actually the map didnt take long at all. This is a really old map that I made when Sandbox first came out. My friends were playing ODST and...
[IMG] Created by SmartAlec13 Supported Gametypes: Boxed supports Smaller, FFA or small-team gametypes. It works best with Slayer, Swordz, and...
I do like it better than Hollow, and most Conquest cave maps Ive seen. I like the middle territory the most.
Hey its my old pal SuperDuper. I do like the map. But I feel it should have another layer on the middle.
Thanks :D It was, a few months ago.
Ok so I joined the Conquest in Matchmaing group. I also created a good recruiting message, that contains what people need to know. Hello! I am...
Its usefull, true. But there are some problems. One, like Meteor said above. It limits what people can use, and how big they may want it. Of...
Very nice Forging! The maps look a little small in my opinion, but ehh.
I do not download maps unless I know what I am downloading. I usually base my judgements on the screenshots to begin with, then possibly download...
I dont know what regular weapons are. You should go into forge, and find out how many of each you have. Because a Turret on a non-base oriented...
Sorry man. But I cant even being to give my opinion on the map. There just arent enough screenshots. All we can see is one hallway, and a bit of...
I would, but ehh. I think the walls are fine. Im not willing to go through so much work just to change a tiny wall
Thanks :D
The walls were strait when I was placing them. I did use blocks as guideline things. But its that darn thing where walls get titled sometimes. The...
thanks :D And yeah. Most people take advantage of the higher parts of the map, thats where most of the fighting goes on.
Thanks :D And yeah. Most people ive been asking who have played it say its very simple, but a great map to play on.
:P Thanks. And like I said, its mainly Slayer. I like objective, but ehhh. Slayer is the best in my opinion. and sloppy Geomerdging? where?
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