Colieseum is literally atrocious next to any H3 forerunner map. Fathom is the same exact recycled resources from all the other human maps, none...
Really? I mean I agree on most of the maps, not a big fan of the city-UNSC aesthetic when its every single map in the game. But Coliseum looks...
Yeah, and its beautiful. I can't wait to see how the layout differs from Plaza
This all looks great so far. I was about to suggest being able to pair gametype with map, especially for unique modes like Conquest, or really any...
I will take the 19th I guess. They declared its the week of the 15th, and that's the last spot open
They almost hinted that they are working on the gametypes. "There’s more to come in the December update (join us next Friday to see some of it... Fresh off the presses. Just a TL;DR -Forge. Forge. FORGE....
Ill take December 17th I guess
Oh, I had no idea to be honest. Well that makes much more sense then.
First off, I don't like the name of it to be honest. It doesn't really fit at all. Recurve = Longbow, makes sense. Headlong = Guillotine, okay...
There are two obvious negatives with this map. The first is that the sniper tower ridge is definitely the central area of combat. If I ever end up...
I haven't really played Halo 2, especially this map. The map does seem fun however. There is a lot of open air, and the map in general feels huge....
This map is both my favorite and least favorite to play on. A lot of people seemed to be expecting direct remakes, instead of this inspired-by...
Overall the maps are a lot of fun to play on. They look great, and walking around them makes me excited to forge. Getting to the problems and...
Hey forgehubbers, EDIT: My **** friend found out you can re-take the survey over and over, so he had a bit of fun and added like 100 votes....
Forging is an art! You're right, that a forged map needs to still recognize the confines of the game mechanics. It would be silly to forge a map...
What exactly did you disagree with in the first video, Haunted?
I gotta agree, and have posted many times on the Halo reddit about this. The map count according to the infographic is going to be 21 maps total,...
I died laughing. Please make a video of this
Damn, someone beat me to it! Too bad it isn't out on release, but oh well.