I hope you also can't wait to find out that 343industries is also accepting submissions! About my map that I would submit.. I tried to make a map...
Those poses and camo's just aren't worth it... And Mark V and ODST should have been included in the game already. Still, I had 500 MS points left...
This looks soooo clean... Man, this looks great. One question though, I can see Ricochet working with this easily but what gametype and mechanism...
Morgan Bay is featured on Insanmiac's channel! :D
I have a (new) idea for one, I really want to start working on it. But right now I am busy making a map for the free-roam flood contest, and I...
That might be the problem right there, I don't even have a account on 343 Industries yet, a perfect oppurtunity to make one I say! (The pictures...
I just started over completely, one week. I do like a challenge :P Man a lot of people will participate in this contest, I really can't wait to...
I never knew Palmer was a ODST before this, but I found that too a few days ago. Quite a coincidence, I did not knew that about Jun though, I was...
I think I happily pay the price given for it. But guys, there is barely any point to buy it at release, right? Most games that will release with...
So I've heard. For me, the decision is still not made. If only my friends would buy a Xbox One instead of a PS4 everything would be alrighty :p...
Wut..? Donut Forge Off eh?
**** Yeah. :P
GTA V has a content creator?! Observe gentlemen, It's near the ending. (Watch the whole multiplayer trailer :P) Grand Theft Auto 5 - Multiplayer...
Great >:( Well, I will post some pictures if I made some progress. I like if people do that, so I might aswell do that myself.
Give us a hint? :P
A contest doesn't have to be about the prices always, I know a lot of people are going to disagree, but still. It shouldn't be a problem I think.
I was actually looking for the Meet your Maker contest, but I think I found something even better. It's been a while since any Halo-related...
This method was known for a while, I have even seen a video about it on OnlineKnights. But it seems that just now, after quite some time has...
Its awesome to see some nice amount of progress being made, my internet is very limited here on vacation.. But I just had to check it out. Was a...
He made a great feature of your map, and it is certainly well deserved. This map is cleanly forged, you used awesome aesthetic's and I think every...