you have my monies in your wallet dont you....
where are you?
haha i know and you were riiiight ;D
lol fiiine whatever's hacker. i took the number off :]
pshh you dun know my area corde :p
&hearts &hearts &hearts :D
[IMG] call me if you get out early :]
D; scary stuff mang
lolololol <3
no, imma keep you all to myself xD ok fine, ill take you home. so see you at 4 then.
that sucks. and no i didnt want to go home, just want the car if i wanted to say...idk....go to the park or something. grab something to eat. but...
if you can find it in your heart not to be selfish today, think you could come pick me up so i have the car and am not stuck here? i'd appreciate...
the ****?!?!?!...
baaaaaabe. idk if you went straight to cut your hair or what. but when you get home, come get me. i want to go with you to pick out your suit :D
i can has mind reading skillz
hahaha i see what you did thar ;D
well yeah, i do my best to rebel against daddy. ;D
at first i was like... *what's that noise* and i serioused. *as in my asshole closed when i turned around to see what the noise was* [IMG] [IMG]...